MBA Orientation Programme
MBA Orientation Programme
The institute conducts a 3 day, management orientation programme every year, for the first year MBA students. This orientation programme which marks the beginning of the two year post graduation in management, aims to assist students in developing an understanding of Management Education. It introduces the students to the teaching –learning processes of the MBA programme and aims to familiarize them with the faculty members, staff, seniors and various other institute resources.
The orientation programme is an exciting and fun filled process involving various games, experiential exercises, case solving sessions, role plays etc. Most of these sessions involve students to participate in a group, thus bringing in the first lessons on management. The programme also involves an inaugural address by the Director, who introduces the elements of the MBA Programme offered by the university and elaborates on the performance expectations from the students.
There are also sessions on student etiquettes, evaluation pattern and systems and campus placements. Other auxiliary facilities offered by the institute like linkage with banks for education loans are also discussed during the 3 day orientation. An interaction with seniors on the penultimate day brings the orientation programme to an end.
S K Patel Institute of Management and Computer Studies
MBA –I Orientation Programme (Batch 2015-17)
Programme Objective
The MBA first year orientation programme aims to assist students to develop an understanding of Management Education, its teaching –learning processes and to familiarize them with faculty, staff, seniors and institute resources.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme the student:
• Will know the essence of management education.
• Will be introduced to faculty, staff, and facilities of the institute.
• Will have knowledge about the teaching learning processes, evaluation systems and placement procedures at a primary level.
• Will be able to perform group exercises and shed personal inhibitions about performing in public.