Chairman's Message

At Sarva Vidyalaya Kelvani Mandal, we have been very carefully nurturing the dream of our founder “Shri Chhaganbha” in the right earnest following his principle of “Kar Bhala Hoga Bhala”. The main aim with which we have gone a head over the years is to provide better quality education to the students in the best possible atmosphere and environment.

To achieve this endeavor we have set our foot in professional education in 1995 with the commencement of B.Pharm. program. Later on, in 1998 we have commenced Post Graduate Programs leading to Masters of Business Administration and Masters of Computer Application.

We, at S. K. Patel Institute of Management and Computer Studies, Gandhinagar are wedded to the ideologists given to us by our elders. I, in the capacity in the President of the Kadi Sarva Vishwa Vidyalaya and the Chairman of Sarva Vidhyalaya Kelvani Mandal would take this opportunity in thanking all the recruiters who have been a part of our previous placement programs and invite all the prospective employers heartily to participate in the placement program . The students of each batch have been nurtured over the last two years in the most professional way. They apart from being given an excellent training in class are also trained practically to meet the necessities and the needs of the corporate world in this changing globalize era.

I am sure that the budding talent of the young managers would be definitely utilized by the corporate and I invite you all to be a part of placement program for the current batch and help the young managers to enhance their knowledge and apply in the different situations to be faced by the business leaders in various business fields.

Vallabhbhai M Patel
President, Kadi Sarva Vishwa Vidyalaya
Chairman, Sarva Vidyalaya Kelvani Mandal,
Gandhinagar & Kadi.